We currently have three packages available. Our professional SEO packages mean there is a package to suit all businesses. Let’s try and break it down for those of you that aren’t sure which one to go for.

Visibility SEO Package

The Visibility SEO package is good for businesses that are happy with their current search presence, but want to ensure they stay there. We’ll monitor your keyword positioning and your organic search traffic to ensure no big changes are happening without you knowing.

Your competitors are another area of focus for the Visibility package. We’ll keep an eye on their positioning in search results, and make sure that none of them are starting to outrank you. If we see anything worth noting, we’ll contact you with recommendations for improvement.

Any large SEO fixes or improvements are likely to fall outside the scope of this package. The goal for the visibility package is the monitor and maintain search presence, and provide you with important data. To improve your search presence, choose one of our other packages.

Next-Level SEO Package

The Next-Level SEO package is our most popular package with small businesses. It provides the same data tracking, competitor analysis, and position monitoring as the Visibility package. But it also includes monthly time dedicated to improving your search presence.

After we complete the Advanced SEO Audit, we’ll create a custom strategy for your SEO campaign. The strategy will be informed by data, proven SEO tactics, and any information you can give us about your business, brand, services, and competitors.

Each month we’ll perform work to improve your visibility in search engines. This work can include optimization of your google my business listing, updates to your website to encourage more conversions, building your backlink profile, creation of new content/pages to target important keywords and geographies, optimization of technical SEO properties on your website, and much more.

Topsite SEO Package

Our clients choose the Topsite SEO package when their goal is to get to the top of search engine results. This package has it all. Everything from our other packages, plus a whole lot more.

The major difference with this package is that much more hours are dedicated each month towards improving your SEO. It includes both local and organic search optimization, and delivers results faster than any of our other packages.

We always tell our clients that SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistent monthly improvements is the best approach, and the amount of improvement needed each month varies from client to client. We’ll take the time to get to know you and your business, and figure out exactly what you need to get to the top spot on search engine results pages.

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