In this case study, we will review 6 months of Google Ads data. This will include keyword analysis, search traffic, and conversion reporting that proves ROI. We do not include any information that will identify our client to prevent this article being used by competitors.

A little context

This client originally contacted us about SEO services because they were already running their own Google Ads and were happy with the results they were getting. As part of our SEO audit, we took a look into their Google Ads data and noted some huge opportunities. So after sharing our findings with the client, we shifted focus to a Google Ads campaign. This promised to be more affordable for the client and, as you will read below, it ended being more profitable too.

Keyword Analysis

The biggest opportunity we found when we reviewed the Google Ads data, was that they had been running their ads for over a year so they had collected a wealth of data. The only problem was, they were not using it. In fact they were using the same broad match keywords they started with over a year ago. Many of the advertising clicks they were paying for were for searches that had nothing to do with services they provided.

Our advertising specialist was able to review all the data from the previous year and identify who we should target, when we should target them, and most importantly, which keywords should be used.

Search Traffic

We kicked off the campaign with some huge changes to their advertising setup that immediately saw improvements. Below is a graph that compares the first month of our campaign (June 2020) with the previous month (May 2020). It shows an immediate 60% increase in search traffic:

Increase google ads traffic 60% in the first month

Below is a graph that compares the first month of their advertising campaign (June 2020) vs the same month the previous year(June 2019):

Increase google ads traffic 138% in the first month compared to previous year

Goals & Conversion Tracking

The client’s goal was to increase inquiries either by contact form on the website, or by phone call. We tracked these two actions as conversions throughout the six months of their campaign. We were very happy to report 744 goal completions. With 459 contact form requests, and 285 phone calls. Considering the budget for this advertising campaign, this many hot leads was considered a huge success. Below is a graph that shows the amount of leads that came in throughout the campaign:

Graph showing google ads goal completions

Working with an Advertising Specialist

The first step towards more search traffic and leads is to speak with an expert. At Topsite, we specialize at working with small businesses to provide affordable marketing services that drive results. Click here to learn more about our search advertising services here or contact the team at Topsite today to get started.

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