If you have a successful business, there’s a good chance you’ll most likely spend a good amount of your resources searching for the latest social media marketing tips. And this is done for good reason. Currently, there are 4.2 billion active social media users. This number is twice as many as there were just five years ago and will continue to climb in the near future. It’s almost a discredit to your business to not have a strong social media presence. These users spend an average of 2 hours and 25 minutes on social channels every single day.

These 2.5 hours provide an incredible opportunity for businesses to:

  • build brand awareness
  • generate leads
  • build brand authenticity
  • develop customer relationships
  • perform commerce

We’re currently in a digital era where we are glued to our smartphones throughout the day with our eyes zeroed in on our screens continually. This virtual piece of entertainment has transformed into an enormous part of our daily lives. More than ever, major organizations are relying heavily on web-based entertainment in order to showcase their brand in the hopes of luring in and converting potential clients into buying customers. The power of social media can be a valuable asset if used correctly. Below are just a few ways you can generate more clients through web-based entertainment on social media.


Interacting with your audience on several social channels can truly assist in acquiring new clients. Interacting and engaging with users on social media should be a task that is done routinely. As a brand your focus should not only be users that are not on your social media network but also users that are within other social channels with similar interests. Your potential clients will begin to see that there is a person behind the brand. This will allow your brand’s personality and charm to speak for itself. In turn you will see users funnel into your social network and follow your brand’s journey.

This tactic has become quite popular even among some of the biggest brands and organizations today. You’ll see a wide range of brands intersecting on the most irregular posts in order to really expand their reach and visibility. This amplifies the pool of users who view their profile and hence expands their client base.

It’s important for any brand to be able to associate with its supporters. As a brand you should perform exercises like answer remarks, pose questions in the subtitles of your post and interact with the users that follow you. This will help your brand build its personality. People are more likely to buy from you if they feel as if the person behind the brand is relatable, authentic, and real.

Strategic Partnerships

Collaborative efforts, especially with a diverse pool of partners will assist in naturally developing your client base. When you collaborate, you’re displaying your brand to an entirely new audience of users who might not have ever heard of your brand if you didn’t decide to partner with another organization.

When deciding on who to collaborate with, this must be done strategically. Look at your analytics and see what demographic is lacking in terms of users. Then choose a brand that has access and reach to a large volume of this demographic.

You might want to shoot your shot at a brand that has a higher number of followers than you but there is a strong chance that you will be denied based on the fact that this relationship may not be as useful for them. It’d be wiser to approach a brand that has a similar number of followers. Since they have a comparative follower record, you and the other brand will profit from the collaboration.

Monitor Trends

Be careful with this approach, you don’t want your brand to leap on every trend but strategically following trends is beneficial for your brands overall exposure. It’s vital that you pay close attention to trends on social media. This will help you better understand what people are looking for when they sign into their social channels. Social listening is a highly valuable information gathering tool, helping you understand what your audience or potential audience might want to hear from your brand. Always keep your audience’s current needs in mind.

Another reason for monitoring trends is to funnel more traffic into your social media posts and content. Trendy hashtags and content are where a large volume of users lie, you want your content to be listed within these categories. Utilizing trendy hashtags in order to funnel more traffic into your social media network, will allow your brand to be more visible and lure in potential clients. These potential clients may turn into paying customers if your content is visually appealing and stunning. This is why it is crucial to tap into trendy topics, it places your social media account under a huge search category. The goal is get these users to stay and follow your account and ultimately form a relationship with your brand.

Getting Started 

These tips above should set a solid foundation for your brand to get started on social media. Follow these tips closely and continue to monitor as you implement your social media strategy. It’s important to keep track of what works and what doesn’t. You can then fine-tune your efforts in order to generate the results you want.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our team at Topsite. We have the experts you need to get started on your social media journey. Topsite offers the services you need to put your social media strategy in motion. Our social media management package creates an advanced social strategy for all of your accounts, driving engagement and conversions through scheduled content and promotions. Reach out to us today and let’s embark on a new journey together!

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