Our Work

We're extremely proud of the work we do for our clients. Below are some of our recent favourite projects.


Genuine Goyen Valves This case study details Genuine Goyen Valves and their expansion from the successful Canadian market into the challenging terrain of the United States. Focused on providing clients with the highest quality Goyen and Mecair Dust Collector Valves, the company offers an online catalogue with a process-aligned approach. Goyen aimed to leverage its Canadian success while customizing its strategy to meet the unique demands and nuances of the US market. Recognizing the need for expert guidance, we facilitated their expansion and strategic marketing efforts. Strategy + Branding +…


NISHI The Nunavut Inuit Sustainable Housing Index (NISHI) is a comprehensive study initiated by the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS) to gather vital information on housing in Nunavut. NISHI’s primary objective is to enhance housing outcomes for Inuit communities in Nunavut. By strengthening the capabilities of Inuit organizations and communities to identify current housing needs and assets, NISHI is able to deliver timely and accessible information for community members, researchers, policymakers, and other essential stakeholders. Strategy + Branding + Website + Tableau API Integration Strategy The Challenge NISHI needed a…


Hanlon Park Storage We have been a comprehensive marketing partner for Hanlon Park Storage for the past three years. During this time, we have collaborated closely to develop and implement a multi-channel marketing strategy that has helped Hanlon Park Storage significantly improve online presence, attract more traffic to the website, and position themselves effectively in the market. Our work together has been characterized by a constructive and solution-focused approach that has enabled us to achieve our goals efficiently and effectively. Strategy + Website Strategy The Challenge Living in a saturated…


Ken Yee Chew We helped an inexperienced candidate win a Guelph city council seat by developing a website and marketing strategy that differentiated him from competitors. Our team created a user-friendly website with features like donation functionality, clickable maps, and forms. The strategy involved using appropriate messaging to differentiate the candidate and optimize the website content for search engines and social media platforms to ensure that Ken's campaign was visible and accessible to a wide range of potential supporters. Strategy + Branding + Website Strategy The Challenge A young Guelph…


Mike Schreiner's Green Party For Ontario Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner, maintaining an effective digital platform was essential, especially during a re-election campaign. We had the privilege of collaborating with Mr. Schreiner to create a new website that replaced one that was old and outdated, significantly enhancing his online presence during the re-election period. Our work proved vital in anchoring his successful re-election campaign. Strategy + Website Strategy The Challenge For Mike Schreiner, maintaining an effective digital platform was essential during a re-election campaign. His existing website lacked a modern,…


BakeCree Helping point the arrow North for a new coffee brand. The coffee industry is a crowded market. Our goal was to help BakeCree stand out. We helped build them a new brand identity, product packaging, and marketing website, which ultimately helped drive their sales in Canada’s Northern market. BakeCree has now become a market leader in their geographic. Strategy + Packaging + Branding + Collateral Strategy The Challenge BakeCree sought to get noticed and establish themselves as a Cree-owned coffee brand in Canada’s Northern market. Their original brand lacked…


Universal Plant Medicine Association (UPMA) Delve into our collaboration with the Universal Plant Medicine Association (UPMA), a non-profit organization promoting a sustainable future through plant medicine. The landscape of medicinal and recreational plant usage is evolving. The primary focus of UPMA is to provide accessible information, create inclusivity, and ensure safety within the plant medicine community. Strategy + Branding + Website Strategy The Challenge Aiming to promote growth, diversity, and inclusivity in the plant medicine field, UPMA was lacking a platform for education. They needed help raising awareness and providing…